This style of attachment usually results from a history of warm and responsive interactions with relationship partners.
These styles result in a variety of different colours of which pastel is most dominant.
However, Friday's individual style of play and refusal to change his game resulted in each of these clubs losing patience with him.
There are few fireworks in this show, but it's a solid account of an artist whose underplayed style has resulted in underexposure.
However, in the strict and conservative Korean culture, their edgy style didn't result in success.
Both styles result in different tones.
His style often results in bruises and injuries, a part of the game he relishes.
Hoffman defends Puller against charges that his style of leadership always resulted in heavy casualties.
Soon, local bands adopted these elements, and a new unique style gradually resulted from a blend with Mexican ranchera styles.
His confrontational style has resulted in a number of controversial incidents.