A human beat box, he simulates recorded music by manipulating his breath and vocal chords in a style pioneered by early hip-hop artists without access to technology.
Many of the traits of the visual style pioneered by Smith and other early documentary photographers have become dated.
He holds a 7th degree red/black belt in the style pioneered by his family, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
It eventually came to be used for the faster, more intense style pioneered by D.R.I., just before their crossover period.
The off-the-cuff style pioneered by his programmes involved tremendously hard work for both crew and presenter, usually in primitive conditions.
He wrote motets using the new concertato style pioneered by the composers of the Venetian School, though he was not associated with Venice himself.
The houses were built from concrete in a style pioneered by Henry Boot Limited.
This style, pioneered by Reeves and Arnold, became known as the "Nashville Sound".
The acting style, pioneered by shishir kumar bhaduri (1889-1959), became less declamatory and more natural.
The pants look like ordinary, oversized jeans with long, loose legs - the style pioneered by rap singers.