Shang style is still practiced by many people today, in China and abroad.
This style of qigong was originally developed for use in the world's largest Chinese "medicine-less hospital", and is now practiced widely throughout the world.
Although styles with similar names are practiced in real-life, often the film presents its own take on each.
At least one style of fencing, Mensur in Germany, is practiced only within universities.
Napalm Death coined the term, though this style of drumming had previously been practiced by others.
However, the single-wing style of football is still practiced by a small group of teams across the country, almost exclusively at the high school and youth level.
Many styles of martial arts are practiced for self-defense or include self-defense techniques.
Although this style is practiced, very few places are known where charrerias occur and have large crowds of people watching every single show.
Various styles of karate are practiced:
While the style was first practiced in England, it became especially inspirational to a number of groups in Sweden.