Its basic style of playing inspired the British punk rock scene.
His style has inspired and influenced menswear throughout the years in Italy and around the world.
Their intelligence, accomplishment, compassion and style had already inspired an entire generation who join us in mourning these individuals of such enormous potential.
Even today, the modern styles throughout the house (especially the dining room) will inspire interior decorators, and the way the family l.
"The proportion and style of the shoe inspires me to make what comes next, whether a dress, a skirt, a coat or pants."
The mdundiko style has inspired some modern popular Tanzanian music.
His style and intonation in these recordings inspire thousands of students every day when they practice along with him.
The distinctive style of imagery used in many early computer and arcade games inspired people to create similar works of their own.
Folk art, and styles and motifs, have inspired various artists.
The older style inspires feelings of warmth and depth.