But today, because of a cleaner river and strict regulations on fishing enacted a decade ago, sturgeon populations are starting to rebound.
But as the sturgeon population in the Caspian was being dangerously depleted, official exports dropped and prices increased drastically.
But it raises concern about the health of the Caspian sturgeon population.
At one point, sturgeon populations in all of the Columbia River system were threatened due to overfishing.
Some white sturgeon populations, however, do support fisheries.
Scientists estimate that the adult sturgeon population, which numbered 1.5 million in 1986, has fallen below 300,000.
Its aim is to conserve existing sturgeon populations worldwide and help in their restoration.
The result was a frightening decline in the sturgeon population.
But even with restrictions, it would take 20 years to rebuild the sturgeon population, Ms. Gaski said.
To prevent further decline of the sturgeon population; and to develop and coordinate a recovery plan.