He found a sturdy root in the area where he planned to make his stand and dug a small hole out behind it.
Eze, a pioneer of fine dining in this neighborhood, has thrown sturdy roots and garnered a faithful following.
But, perennial weeds, such as grasses, grow from sturdy roots or in the case of wild garlic, from tiny bulbs.
Every part of the willog heaved upward and made a clockwise flailing motion except for one sturdy root, on which it spun.
The time has arrived to order some new lily bulbs for planting in October, so they can form strong, sturdy roots to assure next year's success.
"Its sturdy roots and soaring branches typify the unity of our citizens expressed that day."
Traditionally, the sturdy roots sheltered underground were the last of the plant to be harvested.
Both forms produce neat, firm-looking plants, with sturdy white roots.
The sturdy roots from which the Tucson Botanical Gardens sprouted started with a family and a dream.
Dishes like this are replacing winter's sturdy roasted roots.