He would consider them very sturdy, often thick-set, folk, but he would be compelled to allow them grace of movement and even beauty of proportion.
Squinting through the dusk, he saw the peasants were a sturdy, fair-complexioned folk, bearded and long-haired, clad in rough wadmal coats and cross-gaitered pants.
Tall even for a human, he stood more than head and shoulders above the short and sturdy bearded folk.
They were indeed a good and sturdy folk, in the tough general's estimation, if a bit orc-headed.
Teetering precariously on the brink of adulthood, we were silly enough to believe that we could titillate these sturdy folk with our serendipity.
These were sturdy working-class folk, he realized.
Her people, sturdy folks with apple cheeks, radiate fresh air and serenity as they Dig and Weed and Prune and Harvest.
That music is a sturdy, highly danceable folk that contains much of what Andre Marchand, the group's leader and acoustic guitarist, described as "crooked Irish" in addition to strong Acadian echoes.
For all that Tayledras were sturdy folk, not all had grown up prepared to face an enemy in life-or-death struggle, and Adepts especially tended to stay toward the power management side of magic.
Wiser, for they recruited the strength of our people from the sturdy folk of the sea-coast, and from the hardy mountaineers of Ered Nimrais.