Just from looking, Duncan could sense the stupendous scale of the operations it was all brought together to manage.
The group organized in 1798 and the object of the company was to manufacture salt on a "stupendous scale."
Which it was, but on a scale so stupendous as to render his concept of "ship" meaningless.
An inter-cosmic theft of energy on a stupendous scale was what the Allus planned!
The bridges' stupendous scale tends to make the assembled sculptures, which randomly dot the park's uneven terrain, look like crumpled matchbooks.
Everything appears to have deserted the country, and to have yielded it as the sole territory of Nature on a stupendous scale.
Cultural events have taken off on a stupendous scale as though a vast swath of the public intends to drown its sorrows in art.
It would make thievery on a stupendous scale not only possible but easy.
My third point is that it is true that there are overcapacities in the market, and indeed that these are on a stupendous scale.
In London the slaughter of the innocents goes on on a scale more stupendous than any before in the history of the world.