We stared at each other in a kind of stupefied silence: we had already said everything there was to say under the circumstances.
They expected that his stupefied silence would be followed by a fiery outburst.
A slow stupefied silence crept over the men as they stared at the computer and then at each other.
No answer came in the stupefied silence.
Rosas and Wentz looked at him in stupefied silence.
And then, as they all watched in stupefied silence, the face in the mirror grew suddenly even uglier.
She went on, taking advantage of his stupefied silence.
The revelations of the past few minutes had shocked the old man into stupefied silence.
For the rest of the ride, Cranston sat in stupefied silence.
Makela sat in stupefied silence, watching the final 20 minutes on the locker room television.