Fisher began his career at an early age, becoming an accomplished stunt driver before graduating from high school.
By day, he's a stunt driver for what will probably end up being very boring Hollywood action movies.
The woman, disoriented, told the police she was a stunt driver performing a scene for a movie.
It is often performed by stunt drivers in film and television shows.
Actors love the chase because they're usually not in it, the stunt drivers are.
More than 40 stunt drivers were hired and the crew kept a 24-hour body shop to repair cars.
The solution was to record a choreographed race sequence using stunt drivers on the open road.
A reporter follows a stunt driver on a 3000-mile race across Africa.
If those other people were stunt drivers and he was being paid thirty-five hundred for this ride it might be different.
She also acted as a stunt driver for the movie Fast Girl.