Here the Lighthouse grew narrower and became octagonal: its face, granite now and handsomely fluted, rose in a stunning sweep above him.
With one stunning sweep, we will ensure that they will never meddle in our affairs again!
In his first year as the Reds' manager, his team had completed one of the most stunning sweeps in World Series history.
The swift and stunning American military sweep through Falluja this month recalls the equally swift and stunning sweep through Baghdad and other Iraqi cities some 20 months ago.
But to not only beat Koufax and Drysdale, but to beat them in three of four straight games, as the 1966 Orioles did, that's a stunning sweep.
Koufax, that era's version of Randy Johnson, pitched Game 4 with three days' rest and completed the stunning sweep of the Yankees, allowing one run and six hits in a 2-1 victory.
Poland is hurtling forward, the pace forced by Solidarity's stunning sweep of last month's elections.
In doing so and in taking over the party's processes and platform, McGovern produced what The New York Times termed "a stunning sweep".
Referring to the Maple Leafs' stunning sweep of Ottawa in the first round, Gomez said: "They're on a high right now.