In some respects, analysts said the poorer performance was a reflection of Fidelity's stunning growth over the last decade.
The quirk developed because of the stunning initial growth of single-country funds, which took off in 1989.
The stunning growth continued through the early eighties.
These have been the substances that traditionally brought huge profits and stunning growth to specialty chemical companies.
What has changed is the ability of South Korea, after years of stunning growth, to help pay for its own defense.
Yet this stunning and worrying growth continues to go unnoticed by our society.
Analysts said Wal-Mart's stunning growth probably would continue.
The army's role in smuggling appears to have grown in tandem with the nation's stunning economic growth over the last 20 years.
The ongoing investigation into corruption provided a glimpse into another side of the city's stunning growth.
Migrant workers like Shan's parents are the mules driving the country's stunning economic growth.