She stumbled headlong into the apparatus.
In an instant she was plunged into darkness, but she bolted ahead and a moment later stumbled headlong into the bottom of the stairs.
The other, clipped by a second shot, stumbled headlong across the first man's felled form.
The stranger tripped over it, stumbling headlong into a nearby table.
And she stumbled headlong down to help her to her feet.
Just like me, Sarah was puffing and panting as we scrabbled up the rises and stumbled headlong downhill.
The boy stumbled headlong over that leg.
"L.A." She tripped over a rock and nearly stumbled headlong into his back.
He hesitated for a ment, then seemed to stumble and fall headlong.
Thus does innocence stumble headlong into the worst sort of experience, and a mild-mannered man become a shame-faced rapist.