These associations carry out various activities such as talks, discussions and study visits.
At all study visits, a blood collection, medical history review, and physical exam will occur.
During the course of this trip, he made several new study visits to prominent art museums.
For modern foreign languages, students' skills were boosted by real experiences such as study visits to sites of cultural interest.
In 1935 and 1936, he took unpaid leave to go to England for a study visit.
A study visit to England in 1899 was to heavily influence the use of form in his designs.
Subjects were instructed to fast for at least 14 hours before the study visit.
Three years later he spent a study visit in Prof. Boris.
Subjects will keep a journal of their temperature and any adverse effects between study visits.
Patients were instructed not to take analgesics within 12 hours of their planned study visit.