Dr. Anderson was one of the first researchers to use the electron microscope to study viruses.
By studying viruses, oncologists hope to create the perfect cancer-seeking delivery device.
"We never thought we would study viruses in Arabia," a senior researcher at the C.D.C. told me.
Dr. Anderson pioneered use of the electron microscope to study viruses.
Because he studies viruses in the pox family, he is one of the few Americans who have recently been immunized against smallpox.
It is important to study viruses because they are critical determinants of bacterial community structure and function in all habitats.
Here he began studying viruses again, in particular the myxoma virus.
Of course he had insisted on a virusfor Christ's sake, bis life work was studying viruses, not bacteria.
Researchers also studied viruses in Queensland's animals.
We could be studying viruses.