She was born in Wethersfield, outside Hartford, and started to study dancing at age 4 - ballet, jazz, tap and acrobatic.
From the age of 16, she began to channel her dynamism more towards dance, first studying jazz and tap.
Michael Gruber, 25, plays the role of Mike, who studied tap when he was young because his sister was taking lessons.
While growing up in Lancaster, California, Landon studied jazz, ballet, and tap.
Performing in her first dance recital at age four, Riffel continued to study ballet, jazz, and tap.
At school in Westminster he studied musical theatre, jazz and tap.
At 9-years-old in 2006, he started break-dancing and hip-hop, and then studied ballet and tap.
Born in London, he studied tap before ballet.
Youngsters imitated him; they wanted to study tap.
She still studied the piano, as well as tap and ballet.