The company has been studying various defensive strategies, he said, but has yet to adopt any.
Already, domestic airlines are studying the new European pricing systems, as well as other strategies that are being used here.
The theory discusses cross-cultural differences that have been observed when studying communicative strategies in different cultures.
Besides his academic work, Hikaru usually spends a few hours every day studying chess, and strategies, in preparation for the next round of competition.
As he grew, he studied military strategies and learned various fighting techniques.
Since many videos were working in the major battles, they studied bugger tactics and strategies from many angles.
I have books that must be studied, strategies you must memorize.
One studied facts, figures, distant events, and strategies--not people.
This special 1989 edition of Scientific American describes the most recent work by scientists studying the Earth's systems, and strategies toward a sustainable world.
An iterated game originally played in academic groups and by computer simulation for years to study possible strategies of cooperation and aggression.