"I still have all my fingers and toes," said Ian Gordon, an Australian biologist who studies sharks.
I have taken part in numerous such dives, which are extremely exciting and a valuable opportunity for divers to study sharks at close range with experienced dive leaders.
For Dr. Ritter, who studies sharks by recreating their attacks on humans, being bitten by a shark is actually proof that the animals aren't as vicious as many people believe.
He studied sharks first-hand, underwater, swimming among them; and caught many, fishing with a handline from his 11-foot sailing dinghy which he had named Tusitala, which means Teller of Tales.'
But the scientists have had more success with the expedition's everyday objective of studying sharks, especially a primitive deep-dwelling six-gill shark.
Like Dr. Lucas, Hugh Smith had studied sharks for years and shared his opinion that a shark had not killed Bruder or Vansant.
This research institute is dedicated to studying sharks, specifically in relation to their danger to humans.
He is a scientist who studies sharks.
He travelled through fifteen countries for the next four years, studying and filming sharks for the film.
The team was joined by Dr Sam Gruber, who has been studying sharks here for decades.