This chapter has argued that just as the study of style cannot entirely rely on quantitative data, neither can it ultimately do without them.
Some studies relied on children's fuzzy recollections of their parents' income.
But studies rely on healthy women, too perhaps like you.
Moreover, the studies often rely on subjects themselves to report certain information.
Rather, the studies relied on the opinions of the participant's pediatricians and child psychiatrists.
Typical studies of the issue have relied on comparisons of entire households and social groups rather than individual family members.
Other studies, though, rely on finding a deletion usually found in the same area as the gag sequence.
One study Weis relies on shows that when that number is 48 or greater, the team wins 80 percent of the time.
The industry and Government experts at the hearing each asserted that the other's study relied on flawed statistical methods.
The study relied on a database (described here) built by following a class from the moment that it entered college at an unnamed university.