Modern cultural geographers commonly now study everyday practices on an individualistic basis, in order to understand larger scale patterns.
On many islands, scientists and managers are studying traditional practices of indigenous populations as potential conservation solutions.
Peter studied shipbuilding techniques and practices at the dockyard.
Two commissions were appointed to study governmental and campaign practices, resulting in modest changes.
The community has been visited over the years by a rabbi from the chief rabbinate in Israel to study their tradition and practices.
It is visited by archaeologists to study indigenous horticultural and agricultural practices.
Data collected is used to study and verify green building performance, renewable energy systems, agricultural practices, water quality, and coastal areas.
"There is so much new biomedical technology that we are not even holding our own" in trying to study both new and old practices.
The case was in recess for two years while five court-appointed experts studied the group's beliefs and religious practices, measuring them against the law's requirements.
Small used the anthropological methodology of participant observation to study the contemporary life and practices of American university students.