Not when that something is a dog or cat, a study of 341 adults in Vancouver, British Columbia, has reported.
Another study of 525 adults found that those who got real treatment, rather than a placebo, suffered fewer asthma attacks: 21.3 percent versus 32.4 percent.
Dr. Shekim has just completed a study of 200 adults whose screening tests disclosed that they suffered attention deficits.
The researchers from Leicester University reviewed data from the studies of 220,000 adults in total.
ESR reference ranges from a large 1996 study of 3,910 healthy adults:
A similar study of 1525 adults (aged 15-59) in Japan estimated its prevalence at 0.13%.
Stern et al., 2004 conducted a one-year study of 132 obese adults.
A study of 52 older adults found that females may think more about their body shape and endorse thinner figures than men even into old age.
The researchers, who said they could not explain the discrepancy, based their findings on a study of 5,062 adults with asthma symptoms in managed care plans.
But it will not have a marked effect on your life span, according to a study of more than 300,000 adults.