At the same time, he was studying philosophy and mysticism for over 10 years.
Frank studied mysticism and oriental religions.
This started him on a path of studying mysticism, metaphysical ideals and Druidism.
His spiritual search led him to study eastern religions, native American spirituality, science, philosophy and mysticism.
The family was Roman Catholic, but Rijadi studied mysticism from a young age.
I have spent the last decade in research, studying clairvoyance and mysticism.
He considers himself an explorer, having made numerous jaunts around the globe, including a sojourn in Asia where he studied mysticism.
The purpose is not just to study mysticism or hold rites, but to take their entire worldview and live as they did in the past.
He began to study mysticism and lambasted the Catholic Church in his essays for misconstruing the history of the universe.
Groult studied Castilian mysticism in relation to its Flemish counterpart.