Mr. Williams described the class this way: "You're just studying different kinds of math.
Imre Lakatos studied very sophisticated kinds of translations of mathematical (e.g., the Euler formula for polyhedra) and scientific theories.
As she herself put it in a 1913 interview: "I spent the biggest part of five years in Europe, studying various kinds of handiwork with the peasants and the artists of nineteen different countries."
Ethologists have studied other more natural kinds of learning, such as the development of bird song.
At the age of 15 he toured America, after which he decided he wanted to become a soloist rather than a backing musician and started to study different kinds of music.
By the end of the 19th century, projective geometers were studying more general kinds of transformations on figures in projective space.
He would keep himself busy by spending his entire time studying different kinds of arts, painting, and writing poems.
The company has been studying other kinds of low-emission gasolines.
She graduated from high school in 1995, and from there went on to study various kinds of dances at the Art Academy of Russia.
She has studied kinds of art, such as Japanese art.