I want to study government, economics and sociology with the goal of one day playing an active role in local politics.
After a few years teaching in Yola, he got and proceeded abroad, on a scholarship to study local government.
What fine standards these men set for the children who study civics and government in school!
It most often refers to studying government in high school to prepare to be a good citizen.
He studied military government and graduated second in his class of 111 students.
Books 1-3 are a trilogy introducing the 'interpretive turn' to studying British government.
Not a soul among these people has even gone to college or traveled abroad to study government.
He wants to study government and be a Minister of Justice in a very different Africa from this one.
Hundreds of college students from around the country come to the capital each year to study government and to work as interns in Federal offices.
Student interest in studying government and preparing for careers in public service is higher than at any time since the 1960's, political scientists say.