He then studied at the University of Maryland, from where he obtained a Bachelor's degree in architecture in 1984.
He also studied at the Royal University in Perugia, from where he obtained a doctoral degree in politics.
Ramírez then studied at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, from where he obtained his Bachelor's degree in 1959.
He then studied Zoology at the University of Waterloo, from which he obtained his M.Sc.
He later studied at Cranfield School of Management, from which he obtained an MBA.
He studied at St. Paul Seminary, from where he obtained Bachelor's degree in philosophy in 1966.
He then studied theology in Rome, from where he obtained his graduate colours.
Brandt then traveled to Austria to study at the University of Innsbruck, from where he obtained his doctorate in philosophy in 1966.
He later went to Rome to study at the Pontifical Gregorian University, from where he obtained his licentiate in theology.
He studied anthropology at University of Washington in Seattle, from where he obtained a master's degree.