However, recent studies have disproved this.
It remains valid as long as further scientific study has not disproved any one of the premises on which it is based.
To be clear, no single study would disprove all forms of free will.
The clinical community hasn't accepted the diet, and some studies have actually disproved Feingold's theory.
Professor Anderson said several recent studies have disproved the criticisms.
However, some studies disprove a direct link between body growth and otolith growth.
While most scientific studies have disproved Feingold's theory, some parents who have tried the elimination diet have reported an improvement in their child's behavior.
A study in the UK conducted from 2011 to 2012 disproved the belief that false claims of rape or domestic violence are common.
No studies verify or disprove this theory as applied to horses.
This study disproves the idea that physiological responses are the sole reason for the experience of emotion.