Members study all majors and disciplines offered by the College and come from various marching and musical backgrounds.
He changed his original idea of becoming a priest and switched to studying technical disciplines.
Between 1936 and 1941 he formally studied various Islamic sciences and disciplines with a number of different teachers and scholars.
As well as studying the piano, he also studied other musical disciplines such as conducting and composing.
Later he moved to Delhi where he studied different disciplines including mathematics and medicine.
Medical students spend the first three years of training studying science, biomedical, liberal, and disease-preventive disciplines.
Even those who go on to study non-religious disciplines at the university must pass a special recital test.
Members of the Okinawan upper classes were sent to China regularly to study various political and practical disciplines.
He studied numerous classic botanical disciplines, including plant systematics and floristics.
They also study key disciplines - including earth sciences, meteorology, space science and engineering - that may prove helpful in their work in space.