Some studies have criticized the emphasis on local food, claiming that it romanticizes local production, but does not produce very much environmental benefit.
The study, released on the eve of Arbor Day, criticized many aspects of the city's tree policy.
Government officials asked about the new study were equivocal in most cases, criticizing the conclusions without saying they were wrong.
Gender-bias studies of various state court systems have sharply criticized judges for penalizing battered women.
The study harshly criticized those foreigners for not having made any effort to prevent the ongoing atrocities.
Though the studies criticized aspects of the program, they all found that the instances of fraud were extremely limited.
The study also criticized the court as being indifferent when presented with persuasive evidence that an inmate was being poorly represented.
Some recent studies criticize the effects of overlearning for being short-lived.
Another study of over 700 families also criticized the Caspi et al. study.
Was there a study of any kind criticizing them as unfair?