"There was a smoking gun before," said study co-author Greg Engel of the University of Chicago.
According to Ken Caldeira, a study co-author from the Carnegie Institution for Science, "To plant forests outside of the tropics to mitigate climate change is a waste of time."
Dr. Neil H. Hyman, a study co-author and a surgeon, acknowledged that surgery remained a mostly "male culture."
A study co-author was Dean of the Marquette University College of Engineering; this work led to discrete Biomedical Engineering departments there and elsewhere.
"We now know that the founders of the first advanced European civilization were European," said study co-author George Stamatoyannopoulos, a human geneticist at the University of Washington.
If the leg swung forward, the flip flop would become a projectile," said Dr. Mary Dawson, a study co-author.
"An unusually high number of magnitude 8 earthquakes occurred worldwide in 2005 and 2006," said study co-author Fenglin Niu, associate professor of Earth science at Rice University.
A study co-author, Stephen B. Soumerai, said the rules were hurting patients.
"Some of them, they keep their heads down and they're looking at the puck," said Dr. John Leddy, a study co-author.