He studied at Gordonstoun, before graduating from Phillips Academy.
She studied at a convent before graduating with a degree in economics from King's College, Cambridge.
Transferring to the University of California at Berkeley he studied composition with Roger Sessions before graduating in 1970.
Graduates of the five- to six-year program are required to spend one of those years studying in Israel before graduating.
Unlike his brothers who all became clergy, Benjamin studied science and the classics before graduating in 1840.
She studied at Washington College for two years before graduating with a degree in business from Villa Julie College.
The other time, coincidentally, was at an event several days later at Purchase College, where Ms. Marshall studied music before graduating in 2000.
Later he studied industrial engineering in electronics but even before graduating opt for the professional music.
He studied in Germany before graduating from Princeton University.
He studied mechanics and engineering at high school before graduating from the university of Karlsruhe in 1901 with a degree in mechanical engineering.