French studies have argued that this full state monopoly capitalist system did not come into operation until the 1930s.
By failing to pay attention to blood pressure, the study argues, doctors are passing up a chance to direct patients to needed treatment.
The study argues that the impact would be most strongly influenced by the information content of the message received, if any.
However, a 2008 study (see below) argues that the conditions were not favorable for such a crossing.
A new study argues that this is largely a myth.
Different genetic studies still argue over the taxonomy of the species.
One study argues that a division of labor between sexes developed relatively late, 45,000-10,000 years ago.
But for at least one procedure, a new study argues, they would be wrong.
A 2010 study argues that the marks were made by recent mining activities.
Those studies argue that such a drop would occur because children are far more sensitive to price increases than adults.