Archaeology can also be used to study the past alongside history.
The five travelers begin to study the planet alongside each other in order to get to know the others' ways.
Many soldiers said they were prepared to return to study and work alongside former contras.
This was a private institution and Robert would have been studying alongside the children of well-off families.
Experienced dancers can study alongside beginners, each engaged in their own individual learning process.
The college offers a range of complementary enrichment course for students to study alongside their chosen qualifications.
In June 1992, state authorities and officials visited her classroom and were surprised to see a child of 8 studying alongside an 80-year-old woman.
Studying alongside the six had been involved in the creation of Ryhmäteatteri a composer and musician, he worked as 1969-73.
Many said they were desperate for peace and fully prepared to return to study and work alongside former contras.
Studying alongside students from all over the world, where English is the only common language, makes the use of English essential.