All middle-school students would have the chance to study algebra and a second language and play in comprehensive sports programs.
One junior high school reassessed students a few weeks after initial placement; now, 80 percent of them are expected to study algebra.
Those who have a greater desire to study math would go on one track, studying algebra.
There's no preparation for the math exam but studying algebra and geometry, which they should be doing anyway.
In 1787, aged fourteen, Bowditch began to study algebra and two years later he taught himself calculus.
The word idempotence was made by Benjamin Pierce because he saw the concept when studying algebra.
Due to this property, Lyndon words are used to study algebra, specifically group theory.
He studied algebra in the form of symbolic methods, as these were understood at the time, and began to publish research papers.
At that point she knew she wanted to study algebra.
Should all children be required to study algebra?