He studied aikido under Ueshiba for many years while perfecting his shodo technique.
He began learning judo before he turned 6 years old, and later in boyhood also studied aikido and kendo.
He studied aikido with Ueshiba Morihei, the founder of aikido and a good friend of his grandfather.
Since then he has also studied aikido for over six years and Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
As a young man, he grew up studying judo, kendo, and aikido.
Also, during this time, he studied aikido for three years with Richard Kadlubowski and Ben Sekishiro.
Ljubomir Vračarević has studied aikido since 1971.
"I am told, Linnear-san, that you study aikido," he said in the old formal manner.
In 1939 he began studying aikido with its founder Morihei Ueshiba.
They also continued climbing, in addition to which Julie studied aikido.