Certain it is that under this simple regime studious habits were formed and a taste for literature developed that have lasted to this day.
He was a man of peculiar and studious habits; nobody ever seemed to take to him; and since his wife's death, his health had been precarious.
I am suffering for my devotion to the studious habits of a lifetime: my right hand is attacked by the malady called Writer's Cramp.
He early gave indications of the studious habits that characterized him through life.
One hobby alone enticed me from my studious habits, and even that was study.
"I like to write," you may say, "for clergymen of studious and scholarly habit."
Knowing his studious habits, he had hoped to see his light still burning, nor was he disappointed.
If I am to lodge with anyone, I should prefer a man of studious and quiet habits.
"They are all hard-striving persons of studious or commercial habits," replied Ming-shu, "and have doubtless become immersed in their various traffics."
She even found fault with my studious habits: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.