The accompanying photo was a studio shot of Devore that looked about thirty years old.
He wasn't a performer in those days but was one of the backroom boys who some of you might remember seeing in the studio shot.
Moments later, in an interior studio shot, Face climbs in through the sunroof.
It was a studio shot, showing a painted background of hayfield and bright sky.
The odd thing is that these are studio shots, like a bizarre version of a high school yearbook photo, taken long before the current unrest.
It was a posed studio shot, a still.
He explained that they had already shot Mark's last scene on location, then went back inside to do the studio shots.
Mel opened the folder and drew out the formal studio shot of David at six months.
Similarly, in previous landmark series, such as Life, studio shots do not seem to be differentiated from those taken in the wild.
A hidden clip from the first studio shot of "In the Shadows"