At 446 square feet, the studios sell for $675,000 to $825,000, with the prices rising with the floor.
Cheaper production costs also allow the studios to sell discs at lower prices to consumers.
A similar studio in the same building sold last year for $180,000.
If the network orders enough episodes of a show, the studio can then sell the series to other markets.
Seven 1-bedrooms, ranging from 760 to 914 square feet, are available for $199,000 to $239,000 and a 444-square-foot studio is selling for $105,000.
The studio cut out the network middleman and sold the show directly to local stations, one city at a time.
Daly asked Littlefield to give the show back so the studio could sell it to another network.
On the other hand, there was no limit to how many films the studios could simply sell to Chinese distributors.
Typically, each student pays $10 to $12 per class, he said, and most studios do not sell memberships.
We tried to buy one to put outside our office, but the studio wouldn't sell.