In its own time the deficiencies of graffiti-style studio painting became evident, and by the mid-1980's the fad was over.
Then the visual information gathered in these works is used as a reference for creating a more resolved studio painting.
I've been sitting in my palatial studio painting that courtyard outside.
He described the studio painting as "a major effort on my part" and it is regarded as one of the most important works of his career.
It is one of five large-scale studio interior paintings in a series.
"Morning at Ville-d'Avray" isn't the only example of a superior studio painting.
"The tradition of studio paintings has always interested me," Mr. Oursler said.
Small, quick outdoor studies and more developed studio paintings, as well as the finished works, are included, tracing Eastman's progress from idea to realization.
In the late 1990s Scape made the leap from street art to studio painting using spray paint and acrylics to create large scale abstract paintings.
The completed painting could now exist in its own right or become the basis for a larger studio painting.