The studio filmed a performance of the play with Coward and Gertrude Lawrence, which the director and cast closely followed.
The studio filmed professional dancers Joyce Coles and Marjorie Belcher wearing ballet skirts that resembled shapes of blossoms that were to sit above water for Dance of the Flutes.
Normally stars re-record bad lines in the studio once filming is finished.
In addition to the so-called star cars, the studios had countless atmosphere cars, usually filmed cruising by in the background of a scene or parked on a street.
During the boycott, the major studios filmed in Los Angeles or on location in cities like Chicago and Pittsburgh instead.
LLP's studio is across the street from a major 1940s-1950s filming location, Corriganville Regional Park, formerly Corriganville Movie Ranch.
In January 2007, director Anderson said the studio was still finalizing the film's budget, and filming would begin in fall or winter in Transylvania and Hungary.
The studio at last decided on Right Guy but filmed it under the title of The Frame Up.
In the early 1930s, the studios filmed a series of pictures that aimed to provide viewers a sense of the exotic, an exploration of the unknown and the forbidden.