Released in late summer of 2011, it constitutes his fifth full-length studio disc.
The track is bookended by two short edits of tracks from the studio disc.
The studio disc (the "white" album) was quite difficult to obtain for a while.
The studio disc features a greater variety of songwriters/arrangers than Natsukawa's previous works.
"Répression" is the third studio disc by the French hard rock/metal band Trust.
The album also contains a studio disc with three new songs, two originals by the band and one cover of a Bad Religion song.
This is Walker's fifth studio disc, and he uses it to show that he's ready to stretch and grow a bit.
Their third full studio disc "Twenty Twelve" was released on June 19, 2012.
There are also no online reviews available, either professional or by fans, of their last three studio discs.
The decision to release a studio disc allowed them to more readily book live performances.