William G. Doty (born 1939) is a religious studies scholar.
African American studies scholars have often explored the unique experiences of Black boys/men.
In the face of such attacks, Ethnic studies scholars are now faced with having to defend the field.
Essentially, American studies scholars focus more on the method of study: how American history and life should be looked at.
Churchill claims of his own citation that he was "as of mid-2001, the most cited ethnic studies scholar in the country".
Gary T. Marx (born 1938) is a social studies scholar.
The proponents of the violent form translate jihad as "holy war", although some Islamic studies scholars disagree.
Other media studies scholars have followed Boykoff's lead incorporating discourses analysis in their work.
Neville is also well known as a religious studies scholar, especially for his comparative work.
Ritualization is also associated with the work of the religious studies scholar Catherine Bell.