Smaller, student written and run plays are also produced.
The magazine contains student written literary essays, students' news, and even a gossip column.
Since 2004, Unchained Talent has put on two to three productions per school year, most of them student written.
Design submissions must be student written and demonstrate a thorough understanding of current conditions/state of the art approaches relevant to the chosen topic.
The yearbook contains photographs of all the students and articles written by students that are of interest to them.
A separate writing committee assesses all students written components.
Narrative assessments are comprehensive reports specific to each student, written by the facilitator or advisor.
He also includes excerpts of his students written work which provide further material for reflections on a different culture.
The school also organizes "Theatre Shorts", a series of student written and directed one-act plays.
The Sundial is a student written and published humor magazine.