Luther faculty are strong advocates for student study abroad experiences and serve as valuable advisors to students.
A module represents 100 hours of structured student study.
In this program, the student receives a fifth year, or one additional semester, tuition free while the student studies a subject outside of their major.
Every student studies the subject, both in a specialized course required daily in all grades and through topics injected into other academic classes.
The core curriculum that every student studies includes marketing, management, finance and management science.
The color of the overall signals what the student studies (e.g. the economy students are recognized from dollar green overalls).
Consultation rooms are also available for student study when not reserved for formal instructional activities.
The remainder of Allen House was converted into tutors' flats and student studies.
A book light can help a student study into the night.
It is used as a space for student study by day (no alcohol allowed) and is available for special events in the evenings.