Before the musical each year, students scramble to raise money by soliciting local companies for ads to be placed in the musical's program.
After lunch, the students scrambled back up to the roof and stretched out until it was time to start hammering again.
Scrambling was extremely competitive: in 2008, roughly 13,000 students scrambled for only 1,388 residencies.
The students who thought they were living there for the next school year are scrambling to find housing before classes start Sept. 20.
As the first day of school nears, students and their parents scramble to buy supplies for the new year.
The scene soon turned chaotic as students and teachers ducked or scrambled to safety.
Three students hastily scrambled out of his way, cursing.
He and Alex stood off to one side, watching as the students scrambled from console to console.
Last year was a bumper year, as students scrambled to avoid the fees increase.
On a recent day, the ambiance was ebullient as students scrambled through the halls changing classes.