They'd do it because everyone knew students always caused trouble, and rioted and demonstrated, and campus was a perpetual hotbed of revolutionaries.
That afternoon, students at the University of Nairobi rioted for the third day running.
When the devices were introduced in 1981 at Thomas Jefferson High in Brooklyn, students nearly rioted.
In China last year, students rioted over "the black devils" from Africa.
Today, South Korean students, angered by the lifting of the country's ban on rice imports, rioted and shouted "Yankee go home."
In the following year, the police stood by and did nothing when students rioted against Jews.
The university was closed indefinitely last Wednesday after students rioted and threw stones at the police.
The iron-ore mine closed, diamond revenues dropped, living costs increased, students rioted and Stevens again declared a state of emergency.
After black students in several high schools rioted, the African American community withdrew its support for the union.
Last year, students rioted on Purdue's campus after a women's basketball game.