Latif comes from an upper-class family and had attended school with Uday, where the other students would remark on their likeness.
She said many students picked it up and remarked that they had not realized they had it so good.
His students remarked him to be knowledgeable in the field of ethics and enthusiastic; they had particularly noted that he is clearly a fan of Kant.
As a student of mine once remarked, I suppose it is all part of the wonder about being alive.
One student remarked that the Government may now spend heavily to win the votes of new migrants in next year's federal elections.
The student remarked that to him Vietnam was ancient history.
A secular student observing the scene remarked, "It is kind of scary."
In 2005, another female student remarked that the play influenced her to prevent herself from committing suicide.
One student even remarked on the service.
"At a forum here, you have to be careful what you say," remarked one student, concerned about what she called the conformity of thought.