The school welcomes students of all ages and abilities, from all economic backgrounds.
The result could be a school system that offers little opportunity for students of different abilities to interact with and learn from each other.
Test questions are given weights based on degree of difficulty or their power to discriminate among students of similar abilities.
Course numbers vary between 30 and 40 students, of all age ranges and abilities.
The college offers many programmes of study for students of different abilities and talents.
Teachers should be able to focus on an individual student's strengths and weaknesses, rather than grouping students of varying abilities together.
While the district has a stated commitment to classes in which students of different abilities learn together, the reality looks much different.
All classes contain a mix of students of different abilities.
They will look at the teaching methods that are most effective for students of different abilities and backgrounds.
Another claim is that it makes level the playing field among students of varying abilities and enhances collaborative learning.