By the start of the 1970s it was acceptable for colleges to allow co-educational housing where male and female students mingled freely.
On a morning in early September, more than 100 students and prospective mentors mingled over coffee and bagels.
As the students mingled and feasted and danced without incident tonight, the parents seemed more certain than ever that they were worthy of this second chance.
After the Commencement exercises were over, the students broke up and mingled with the friends and family members who had come to see them graduate.
The fountain area is where students and faculty members mingle for coffee, juice and bagels nearly every Tuesday morning.
One is a student lounge, where students can mingle, posting messages either for general consumption or for individual correspondents.
The students and their parents and friends rose and mingled together.
Other students, wearing white name tags, mingled in the crowd to make sure order was maintained.
The students of the two colleges mingle freely in extracurricular activities and share the same campus and hostel facilities.
Mr. Bibliowicz calls the lobby "the public square," where dancers, students and parents can mingle.