House Legislation Have students search the highlight dates and locate reference to any legislative document (bill, resolution, speech, etc.).
There are ten terminals through which the students and faculty can search for and locate books that they require.
Located in Loretto, Pennsylvania, Saint Francis University enrolls approximately 1,832 undergraduate students, of which 40.7% are male and 59.3% female; and 617 graduate students.
Under all three prior models, a student could locate and extract from a database particular items of interest to him or her without implicating the producer s rights.
Finally, Chi-Hao's fellow students locate him and encourage him to regain his fighting spirit.
In addition, the Second Home Initiative helps students locate possible apartments and/or roommates.
TARC library is a three-storey building with Infoweb system that helps students to locate books easily.
All students who attend the Academy go to classes located at Dominion High School every other school day where they take courses in math, science, and research.
The library web service helps students locate materials and resources for their individual course requirements.
The objective of Star Walk is to help astronomy amateurs, students and professionals locate and identify over 200,000 stars, planets, constellations and satellites in the night sky.