All these clubs conduct regular events for the benefit of the student fraternity.
Weber was against the student fraternities which idolised military ranks.
The attackers gave themselves up and the incident so shocked the student fraternity that further protests were muted for a time.
A substantial part of the nightlife is located at student fraternities called 'Nations'.
Almost all Latvian student fraternities which renewed their work in exile, experienced the same problems.
It was also a distinct advantage there to have been, in one's university days, a member of an aristocratic student fraternity.
The university has 13 student fraternities, known as "nations", each traditionally representing a geographical region of Sweden.
In 1888 a regional student fraternity was founded by students from Luxemburg.
This article is about the student fraternity of the United States.
At Erlangen he was a member of a liberal nationalist student fraternity.